Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Working in Albania

I know I have been a blog slacker lately.  But life here has been fun and busy, and my computer died.  Me + Albania = certain death for technology.  Anyway, I have some down time this week, so I'll try to catch up.

Summer in Albania is slow, in terms of work at least.  I have not been in country for very long so it is difficult for me to offer much assistance to my host agency yet.  Plus, Albanians take long vacations in July and August.  So my work goal for the summer is to go in at least 10 hours a week and be available when they need me.  That leaves me plenty of time to wander around Durres, meet people, spend time with friends, go to the beach, and travel around the country.  I figure I cannot be of much use at work if I don't take time to get to know the culture, right?  And I am definitely learning more about how this society functions.

I am very pleased with my work assignment and colleagues.  I work at a small but very active NGO called Civil Society Development Center Durres (CSDC).  Their mission is to build a vocal and participatory society in Durres by encouraging and equipping the local population to be more involved in public life. Because Albania was a closed country with a tightly controlled populace (think North Korea) for over 50 years, there is not much history of civic engagement.  CSDC works with local universities, students, politicians, human right activists, youth groups, and marginalized sectors of society (youth, women, elderly, the disabled) to build stronger ties between the government and citizens.  So far, I have attended a lot of meetings (which I rarely understand since they are conducted in Albanian), reviewed a few meeting/training agendas, helped with some grant reporting, and gotten to know my colleagues.  In time, I can see how I will be of greater help.  But this is a country of relationships, and I will not be able to accomplish much until I am known and respected by my community.  And that keeps me from sitting at a desk all day, so no complaints.


  1. So...was your computer repaired or you're having to use one at the office? The work, developing relationships, sounds right up your alley!

  2. Have you forgotten how to blog?
