Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"And where exactly is Albania?"

It's difficult to predict people's reactions when I tell them I'm moving to Albania.  As my debut post, I've listed some of the responses.

“Why did you choose Albania?”
(I didn’t.  The Peace Corps places us.)

“It is going to change your life.”
(well, obviously)

"But there is so much to do here in Memphis!"

"That's great!"

"That's crazy!"

“Oh no.  Anywhere but Albania.  That's the armpit of Europe!  No, wait; that’s Bulgaria.”   
(one of my former professors)

“Albania…  Why does that ring a bell?  Oh yeah!  I saw that movie Taken!”

“Congratulations.  You seem excited about it.”

“Oh, Lord.  No.  Not my precious Sara.”
(my grandmother, in classic old-South, dramatic, guilt-inducing fashion)

“2 ½ years?  That is long enough to get married and have some Albanian babies!”  
(No, it isn't.)

“Oh, wow.  Congratulations.  And where exactly is Albania?”
(a frequent response)

“Holy moly!”   You are braver than I.  Are you sure you want to go to ALBANIA?”  (another former professor)

"We'll miss you Ms. Sara."

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