Monday, March 26, 2012

Photos! (I know that's what you all want anyway)

The pictures are in no particular order.  New more type-B Sara could not be bothered with that.  I am working on a post about settling in, but it will probably be a week or so.  Studying the language is taking up a considerable amount of time.  So is doing things like washing clothes by hand...

Next weekend I will go and stay with a current volunteer in a different part of the country.   Hopefully by the beach or in the mountains.  Did I mention that I love Peace Corps Albania?  :)  
Group 15 in Elbasan having a coffee break (one of several a day).  Don't we blend in well?  :)

My host mom gave me this lace doilie she made by hand.  She is awesome.  More on her to come later.

The cat had kittens on Friday!  Uber cute.

The hen and her chicks are let out several times a day. 

And I don't even like cats.  But I go visit the kitties frequently.

The view from my balcony.  How lucky am I?

Another balcony view.
sunset from my balcony

The street in front of my house.

Neighbors chatting behind the house.

Life in Thane

another view of our street

last kitten picture - for now

Check out the "ladder."  We have left the Land of Liability.

view from the hotel we stayed at briefly in Elbasan

another view from my awesome room

Old town Elbasan

Chickens out to play

my room   :)  :)  :)  Yes, this is the Posh Corps

the pillow on my bed - very appropriate for Albania

doing homework

I love my host house and family!!!  I do homework outside whenever possible.

The room attached to my room.  I may have the best set-up of group 15.


  1. PS. Comments on food, weather, and local dress wanted!!

    PPS. How could anyone not like kittens??

  2. Woohoo!! (Eric wants to know if they have tractors....)

  3. Gosh it's gorgeous! And you room is so breezy! I love it!

  4. How does one say "Very sweet!" in Albanian?

  5. Thank you for the pictures - I need visuals! Beautiful scenery and a beautiful you.

    Oh and I agree with Cleo ;)
